Old Methodist Parsonage

The members of a church
Pay for a parsonage
In order to furnish a place
For the minister to live
You will find a house on college street
Where many times the congregation would meet.

Answer: Old Methodist Parsonage

Definition: Parsonage- A church house for members of the clergy.
Clergy- The body of all people ordained for religious duties.

This house is currently located at 705 College Street.
This house was constructed in Willis. When the first parsonage was destroyed in 1886, the church bought this house to use as their 2nd parsonage.
The west wing was moved from Willis to Montgomery and added to the main house when the Niven family purchased the parsonage in 1977, and restored it. In 1992, Bob and Shirley Peel bought the house. It's hard to find the historic marker, but it is behind the porch post.

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